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weather是什么意思(英语It's shorts weather是什么“天气”?)

2021-02-07 10:56:42老黄小舍

英语里说的It's shorts weather到底是什么“天气”?


所以,如果要问:英语里说的It's shorts weather到底是什么“天气”时,我们首先问自己:你查英英字典了没?查了英英字典后,你“说”英语了没?


不懂”英语It's shorts weather没关系啊,查查英英字典就解决了:

英语It's shorts weather是什么“天气”?

一、Yahoo shorts weather meaning


1. I wear shorts when the temperature is 10 C (50 F) and above. For some reason, my upper body gets colder quicker than my lower body,

读懂这段高中英语有助于理解何谓shorts weather

2.Some people wear shorts in any temperature. There is no rule.

I wear shorts if I'm walking my dogs in the rain. Legs dry faster than trousers and don't get cold when they are moving.

读懂Some people wear shorts了吗?

3.Shorts would be more comfortable than long trousers at that temperature.

读懂shorts相对于trousers(long pants)没?

4. Shorts are pants that end above the knee or reach the knee, often worn in hot weather or when playing a sport(Cambridge)

英语It's shorts weather是什么“天气”?


1.Okay.I got you.I know what shorts weather means.

2.Shorts weather is weather good for wearing shorts.It's warm weather,or cool weather,not too hot and not too cold.

英语It's shorts weather是什么“天气”?

记住这些简单英语已经足够我们理解shorts weather是什么weather了:强化英语理解和记忆能力比“只懂”中文更重要。


