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2018-05-29 12:53:31 网络整理 阅读:215 评论:0

根据 Shi 的同学 Zhang Xun Yi 的说法,Shi 在三周前被航校停飞,原因是让一个朋友到他在 Redding 的住所使用洗手间,违反了航校的规定。

Shi 于周六向当地媒体 Record Searchlight 曝光了一段事发当日的录音。录音中有三个人的声音,讲英文的男子(疑似 Mcconkey),中英文混杂的女子(疑似 Hoser)以及 Shi 自己。


男声:『You are going home with or without your luggage』(无论带不带行李你都要回去)



女声提高声调改用英文:『 Speak English please. If you cannot speak English, you are not going to be able to stay here』(讲英文,如果你不讲英文,你不能留下来)

Shi 随后要求他们出示文档。

男声愤怒地说:『You are in my fucking custody. Do you understand what in my custody means? Do you understand? It means I will forcibly remove you』(你在我监护之下。你知道监护什么意思吗?就是我可以强行撵走你)

『If you want the police to come with guns, I got you on that. Alright? You ass is leaving right now. Let’s fucking go.』(如果你想警察拿枪来,也可以。他妈的赶紧跟我们走)

『Your ass is getting on the plane right now or I’ll break your fucking arm. You better believe I’m fucking threatening you. And the United States government needs you out of this country right now, you understand?』(赶紧去机场,不然我他妈打断你的手,你最好了解我他妈现在是在威胁你。美国政府要你走,你明白吗?)
