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雕塑艺术家 · Ren Zhe

2018-06-20 03:16:50 网络整理 阅读:160 评论:0

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Ren Zhe,1983

“书法最能代表东方古韵,古代讲‘字如其人’。由字,我们可以看到美学结构以及笔触轻重,,也能看到一个人的品性。东方文化重意不重形,所以更多反映出的是一种气韵。我的作品中就融合了很多书法艺术的神韵。” ——任哲

"Calligraphy is the most representative of Oriental rhyme. In ancient times," calligraphy is like a human ". From the word, we can see the aesthetic structure and brush strokes, and we can see a person's character. Eastern culture does not emphasize form, so it reflects more a kind of charm. In my work, there is a lot of charm in calligraphy. - Ren Zhe

雕塑艺术家 · Ren Zhe

雕塑艺术家 · Ren Zhe

雕塑艺术家 · Ren Zhe

标签:雕塑 艺术家
